Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I’m From America But I Live in Istanbul

I said this many times over the past few days. Since I went by myself on my trip, I met a lot of awesome people and usually the first question was, “Where are you from?”.  I loved how excited and happy people were when I told I am currently studying abroad in Istanbul. Everyone thought it was so cool and a great experience. I totally agree!

It was really great how I got to teach people about Turkey and tell them more about Istanbul. Mostly everyone I met had been to Istanbul for at least a few days. It was fun swapping stories and hearing about what they think of Istanbul. It is much different to visit for a few days then to live there for several months. I also got to teach Turkish to them which was funny as I don’t know that much. But I felt proud that I could teach them some key words and phrases.

It was such a neat experience going to Ephesus and Pergamom. Knowing that it was where Paul was and where the book of Ephesians was written which is one of my favorite books of the Bible was amazing. I will never forget my trip and like my dad says, I can now point at travel posters and say I have been there!

Side note: Just got done with my Gender final which I think went well. One more final tomorrow and then I am done!!!!

Another side note: There are many more pictures of my trip on Facebook, over 300 hundred. Enjoy :)

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