Monday, May 7, 2012

International Day

Yesterday was International Day at Yeditepe. Basically every country had its own table and people were suppose to make food from their country and anything else related to their country. There are six Americans here this semester but two are on a trip and one doesn’t really participate with things like this. So it was Eddie (who also goes to Beloit), Autumn and I. We bought chocolate chip cookies, grilled some hamburgers and hotdogs and I made Snickers Salad. Snicker Salad, for those who doesn’t know, is chopped apples and Snickers mixed in vanilla pudding and whip cream. However, the pudding never set so I could just use whip cream. But it turned out well and everyone loved it so I was happy. We also had BACON!!!!!! We didn’t cook it until later so really only the Americans got some. But it was super exciting after not eating pork in about three months! We also were told to dress up like famous Americans so I wore my Hawkeye jersey and went as an American football player.

It was fun going around the other tables and trying so many types of food. I know mostly all the other international students so it was fun tasting their food and getting to know their culture a little more. There was also live music which was fun. I am glad that lots of people came because I was a little concerned that people wouldn’t. But it was a success and it was a wonderful way to spend a Sunday.

American table!

Judith with the German table

Trista at the Taiwan


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