Saturday, May 12, 2012

Interesting Dream

I had the most interesting dream last night. Let me tell you two things first. One, I have been watching a lot of episodes of The Office. Second, last night, I went to church and saw a women perform a drama of Esther and Mary.

In my dream, I was surrounded by all the members of The Office. One woman was saying that I was pregnant as her husband was my doctor. I was so confused because I went to the doctor for a different reason and since I never had sex before, it was not possible. The whole dream people were being mean and calling me names. I was saying over and over that I was a virgin but nobody would listen to me.

When I woke up, I was super confused! But then when I thought about it, I was feeling how Mary, the mother of Jesus, was feeling. Nobody believed her either and they all shunned her. Nobody believed her that the Holy Spirit came upon her and made her pregnant.

Anyway, dreams are interesting and thought provoking.

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