I have been studying most of the day for my two midterms next week so I thought I would take a break and talk about yesterday.
So yesterday, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed for some reason. I just felt blah and it was rainy and grey walking to school which I thought described my mood to a T. I got to my class, Social Problems in Turkey, and the teacher was late. I didn’t even care and told everyone who wanted to leave that we should give her more time. And a few minutes later, she arrived. It was nice to hear that I was right. But the happiness went away quickly when she handed back our midterms we took the day before. I was really surprised she graded them overnight. Well I didn’t do as well as I thought I did. I didn’t do bad at all but due to my bad mood, it seemed horrible and I wanted to cry. But I waited until I got back home that I broke down.
I tried to study but I just couldn’t concentrate. My friend, Sasha, had text me earlier asking if I wanted to go shopping with her and I agreed even though I wanted to just be alone. So for a while of the shopping, I was getting so frustrated mostly with dresses as they were all too short. But then I found a jacket that fit and then discovered that The Hunger Games were playing in English. Sasha and I decided to go and it was the first movie that we watched in Turkey. It was really wonderful and really lifted my mood. The crazy part is that there was an intermission! I was really confused at first and thought the movie was messing up but no, it was about a ten minute intermission which actually makes a lot of sense. I decided to get some popcorn as it is much cheaper then in the States. The movie continued and when it ended, I was satisfied.
As great as those things like a jacket, movie and popcorn were great, the best part was while we were eating a late dinner. Sasha and I were talking and a little girl came up to me and showed me her dad’s phone that said in English, “Your hair is beautiful”. It was so sweet. I said Teşekkür, which is Thank you in Turkish. As they were leaving, she gave me two slips of paper, one with her email and one with her father’s that said Facebook. After they were gone, the waiter gave us a dessert called Künefe, which is a doughy dessert that has cheese in it and fried. I know it sounds weird but it is so sweet especially with this cream on top with shredded pistachios. Anyway, the dessert was from the little girl and her father. It was such a sweet thoughtful gesture that meant a lot to me. It was these small interactions with this girl that really made my day.
I got very excited when I saw this in the mall!
Künefe so very tasty