Thursday, January 26, 2012

One week until Turkey!

In exactly one week, I will be flying and on my way to Turkey. I am beyond excited! It has been over a year since I started the process to study abroad for this semester and it is finally almost here!

Some general information: I will be going to Yeditepe University on the Asian side on Istanbul. Turkey is very interesting as it is located on two continents, Europe and Asia. Most tourists stay on the European side. I will be going through the Department of Sociology as that is my major at Beloit, but I will also be taking other classes as well. I will be renting an apartment and from what I have heard, it is very easy to find a flat and roommates once I arrive. I plan to travel throughout the time I am there. I will be arriving on February 3 and leaving June 13. Turkish is the main language that they speak. I know a little bit but by the time I come back, I will definitely be able to speak more!

I have begun packing and if you know me well, I have a lot of stuff! However, I think I am doing pretty well so far. I have only filled one suitcase to 40 pounds so I still have 10 more pounds left in that one and a whole other suitcase! I was told that I just needed a Tourist Visa that I could buy at the airport but I received several emails saying that I needed a Student Visa. Thankfully I was in Chicago a few weeks ago and even though it was horrible driving in downtown Chicago, I now have my Student Visa! I do not need any shots or take any pills thankfully.

Yeditepe has an amazing International Club called YISS and I am a member of the group on Facebook. Every time I log in, there is a new post from a student about a variety of topics. It has been very helpful! It also makes me very excited that I will actually meet these people soon.

Well that is it for now. I hope to regularly keep this updated and will include pictures.

Hoşça ka (Goodbye)
